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  • ​At the time, I was satisfied with my current position and had no specific plans to change jobs. However, the team at SALASUNGO proactively reached out to me and presented an exciting opportunity in the field of Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A). Their professional yet personal approach sparked my interest, and after a few conversations, I was convinced to take this step – despite my initial hesitation. The combination of a new challenge and the opportunity to grow in a dynamic environment ultimately persuaded me. Upon my arrival at the airport, I was personally picked up by the team. During the shuttle ride to the company, we went over the key points once again – from my previous experience in M&A to specific topics such as company valuations, due diligence, and post-merger integrations. The atmosphere was relaxed yet focused, which helped me mentally prepare for the upcoming interview. This targeted preparation gave me the confidence I needed to perform well and succeed in the interview. In my new role as an M&A Consultant, I am now responsible for advising on mergers and acquisitions. My duties include conducting market analyses, leading due diligence processes, and developing strategies for successful post-merger integrations. Transitioning into such a demanding role was a significant career step for me, and I am convinced that I wouldn’t have been as well-prepared without the support from SALASUNGO. I am very grateful for the personal care and professional guidance provided by the team at SALASUNGO. It wasn’t just a placement – it was a fully tailored support process that made all the difference. Now, I look forward to working on exciting projects in my new role and continuing to grow!

    M&A Consultant


  • ​The recruiters from SALASUNGO reached out to me proactively, and after they presented an exciting opportunity, I agreed to proceed with an initial interview. What impressed me the most was their in-depth knowledge of Cisco technologies and all relevant certifications. ​In my new role as Senior Network Engineer at one of the leading IT consulting firms, I am responsible for designing, building, and maintaining complex network infrastructures – with a particular focus on WAN, WLAN, TCP/IP, routing, and switching. My previous Cisco certifications (CCNA, CCNP) have been instrumental in successfully handling demanding projects, and in my new position, I will also take on the role of an instructor. What excites me the most is the opportunity to obtain the Cisco Instructor certification and share my knowledge through training sessions. A key highlight of my experience was SALASUNGO’s professional guidance throughout the entire process. Communication was always smooth, and their prompt feedback at every stage made the entire process much easier. Thanks to this support, I look forward to not only advancing network solutions in my new role but also actively sharing my expertise with others.

    Cisco Senior Network Engineer

    IT Integrator

  • ​Nach meiner Tätigkeit im Treasury-Bereich eines Industrieunternehmens wollte ich meineKenntnisse gezielt erweitern und mich in einem dynamischen Beratungsumfeldweiterentwickeln. Über das Team von SALASUNGO bin ich auf die spannende Möglichkeitaufmerksam geworden, als Berater im Bereich Corporate Treasury in einem internationalenUmfeld tätig zu werden. Der gesamte Prozess verlief äußerst professionell und dennochpersönlich – ich wurde nicht nur kompetent begleitet, sondern auch ermutigt, meineErfahrungen aus der Industrie in die Beratung zu übertragen.Besonders hilfreich war die gezielte Vorbereitung auf das Interview. Das Team vonSALASUNGO hatte ein tiefes Verständnis für die Anforderungen der Position und bereitetemich auf spezifische Fragen vor, die im Zusammenhang mit Treasury-IT-Systemen,Liquiditätsplanung, Risikomanagement und der Einführung von Payment Factories stehenkönnten. Um die Vorbereitung noch persönlicher zu gestalten, hat mich das Team vonSALASUNGO sogar direkt am Bahnhof in München abgeholt, und wir sind gemeinsam zumBrunch gegangen, um letzte Details durchzugehen. Anschließend wurde ich zumUnternehmen begleitet, was mir zusätzlich Sicherheit und ein gutes Gefühl für dasbevorstehende Gespräch gegeben hat.In meiner neuen Rolle als Senior Consultant Corporate Treasury unterstütze ich nunMandanten bei der Einführung und Weiterentwicklung von Treasury-Management-Systemensowie der Optimierung ihrer Finanzprozesse. Dazu gehören die Harmonisierung des​Zahlungsverkehrs, die Implementierung von Steuerungsstrategien im Zins-, Währungs- undKreditrisikomanagement sowie die Beratung zu Rechnungslegungsstandards fürFinanzinstrumente. Der Wechsel von der Unternehmensseite in die Beratung war ein großerSchritt, aber das Team von SALASUNGO hat mich auf diesem Weg begleitet und mir dienötige Sicherheit gegeben, diesen Schritt erfolgreich zu meistern.Ich bin sehr dankbar für die erstklassige Betreuung und freue

    Senior Consultant Corporate Treasury

    International Consulting Firm

  • ​At the time, I was satisfied with my current position and had no specific plans to change jobs. However, the team at SALASUNGO proactively reached out to me and presented an exciting opportunity in the field of Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A). Their professional yet personal approach sparked my interest, and after a few conversations, I was convinced to take this step – despite my initial hesitation. The combination of a new challenge and the opportunity to grow in a dynamic environment ultimately persuaded me. Upon my arrival at the airport, I was personally picked up by the team. During the shuttle ride to the company, we went over the key points once again – from my previous experience in M&A to specific topics such as company valuations, due diligence, and post-merger integrations. The atmosphere was relaxed yet focused, which helped me mentally prepare for the upcoming interview. This targeted preparation gave me the confidence I needed to perform well and succeed in the interview. In my new role as an M&A Consultant, I am now responsible for advising on mergers and acquisitions. My duties include conducting market analyses, leading due diligence processes, and developing strategies for successful post-merger integrations. Transitioning into such a demanding role was a significant career step for me, and I am convinced that I wouldn’t have been as well-prepared without the support from SALASUNGO. I am very grateful for the personal care and professional guidance provided by the team at SALASUNGO. It wasn’t just a placement – it was a fully tailored support process that made all the difference. Now, I look forward to working on exciting projects in my new role and continuing to grow!



  • ​The recruiters from SALASUNGO reached out to me proactively, and after theypresented an exciting opportunity, I agreed to proceed with an initial interview. What impressed me the most was their in-depth knowledge of Cisco technologies and all relevant certifications.In my new role as Senior Network Engineer at one of the leading IT consulting firms, I am responsible for designing, building, and maintaining complex network infrastructures – with a particular focus on WAN, WLAN, TCP/IP, routing, and switching. My previous Cisco certifications (CCNA, CCNP) have been instrumental in successfully handling demanding projects, and in my new position, I will also take on the role of an instructor. What excites me the most is the opportunity to obtain the Cisco Instructor certification and share my knowledge through training sessions.A key highlight of my experience was SALASUNGO’s professional guidance throughout the entire process. Communication was always smooth, and their prompt feedback at every stage made the entire process much easier. Thanks to this support, I look forward to not only advancing network solutions in my new role but also actively sharing my expertise with others.

    Senior Network Engineer


  • ​Das Team von SALASUNGO hat mich hervorragend unterstützt und mir eine spannendeMöglichkeit eröffnet, die Leitung der globalen Marketingstrategie bei einem führendenPharmakonzern zu übernehmen. Der Fokus meiner neuen Rolle liegt auf biotechnologischenInnovationen, neuen Therapielösungen und präventiven Gesundheitskonzepten, mit demZiel, neue Märkte zu erschließen und zukunftsweisende Produkte erfolgreich zu positionieren.Durch die professionelle Begleitung und Marktkenntnis von SALASUNGO konnte ich michoptimal auf diese verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe vorbereiten und freue mich darauf,gemeinsam mit meinem Team innovative Lösungen voranzutreiben.

    Vice President of Marketing

    Pharmaceutical Company

  • ​SALASUNGO’s team provided me with the perfect opportunity to take on the leadership of a forward-looking digital product. From the initial contact to the final contract negotiation, I was thoroughly supported – the consultants had an excellent sense of which role suited my strengths. In my new role as CPO, I am now responsible for the development of a cutting-edge AI-driven platform that helps companies make complex business decisions through intelligent real-time data analysis. The platform combines advanced algorithms with an intuitive user interface to deliver data-driven insights quickly and accurately. My focus is on scalability, expanding AI modules, and introducing new features such as predictive decision engines and adaptive learning systems. Thanks to SALASUNGO’s targeted support, I was able to prepare thoroughly for this challenging role. I am now excited to work with an outstanding team to further develop and establish the product in the market. ​

    Chief Product Officer (CPO)

    Digital Cloud & AI Company

  • ​Das Team von SALASUNGO hat mich hervorragend betreut und mir genau die Möglichkeiteröffnet, die ich gesucht habe. Bereits im ersten Interview habe ich Paul erzählt, dass ichneben meinen bestehenden Software-Skills unbedingt im Bereich Künstliche Intelligenz (KI)arbeiten möchte. Beeindruckend war, dass Paul direkt potenzielle Kunden im Kopf hatte, diein diesem Bereich marktführend sind. Wenige Wochen später hatte ich die Chance, in einProjekt einzusteigen, das meinen Vorstellungen genau entsprach.In meiner neuen Position arbeite ich an spannenden KI-Projekten, bei denen ich auf Pythonals Kerntechnologie setze. Aktuell entwickeln wir eine Anwendung, die maschinelles Lernennutzt, um in Echtzeit Bild- und Objekterkennung durchzuführen. Die Kombination ausSoftwareentwicklung und KI-Forschung macht meine Arbeit besonders abwechslungsreichund zukunftsorientiert.Dank der gezielten Unterstützung von SALASUNGO konnte ich diesen wichtigenKarriereschritt erfolgreich meistern. Das Team hat nicht nur die Interviews organisiert,sondern auch aktiv dabei geholfen, den passenden Kunden für mich zu finden. Jetzt freue ichmich darauf, innovative Projekte im Bereich KI umzusetzen und weiter an Technologien zuarbeiten, die die Zukunft mitgestalten.

    Software Developer (Python &Artificial Intelligence)

    Healthcare & Medical Imaging

  • ​Mit meiner langjährigen Erfahrung in der IT-Sicherheitsbranche und meinem besonderenInteresse an innovativen Sicherheitsarchitekturen war ich auf der Suche nach einer Position,in der ich meine Kenntnisse im Bereich Zero Trust gezielt einsetzen und erweitern kann.Durch die Unterstützung von SALASUNGO habe ich die Chance erhalten, eine Rolle zuübernehmen, in der ich direkt an der Implementierung und Weiterentwicklung von ZeroTrust Security-Modellen arbeite.Da ich aus Frankfurt angereist bin, hat mich Paul von SALASUNGO persönlich bis zumInterview begleitet und sogar bis zum Ende des Gesprächs beim Unternehmen gewartet. ImAnschluss haben wir das Feedback in einem Café besprochen, was mir wertvolle Einblickeund Sicherheit für die nächsten Schritte gegeben hat. Diese außergewöhnliche Betreuung hatmir geholfen, mich optimal zu präsentieren.In meiner neuen Position bin ich für die Einführung von Zero Trust Frameworks bei großenUnternehmen verantwortlich, einschließlich der Integration von Lösungen für Identity andAccess Management (IAM), Network Access Control (NAC) und Endpoint Security.Dank der umfassenden Unterstützung und Marktkenntnis des Teams von SALASUNGOkonnte ich diesen wichtigen Karriereschritt sicher und erfolgreich meistern.

    Zero Trust Specialist

    Managed Security Service Provider

  • ​With my extensive experience in the SIEM field, particularly with Splunk, and certifications already obtained, such as Splunk Core Certified User and Splunk Core Certified Power User, I have continuously worked to keep my knowledge up to date. Thanks to SALASUNGO’s support, I was able to secure a position where I can not only leverage my existing expertise but also pursue all current certifications, including Splunk Enterprise Certified Admin and Splunk Enterprise Security Certified Admin.Given that Splunk is a premium solution compared to other SIEM tools, my new role focuses primarily on serving large enterprises and corporations within the Professional Services sector. In addition to being responsible for the operational management and further development of the SIEM infrastructure, I directly support client projects and develop tailored security solutions for some of the largest and most demanding clients. The targeted support provided by SALASUNGO’s consultants has helped me successfully take this important career step and further expand my professional development.

    SIEM Specialist

    Cybersecurity & Data Analytics Service Provider

  • ​Following a recommendation from a colleague, I approached the consultants at SALASUNGO myself to explore new professional opportunities. From the very beginning, the collaboration was characterized by professionalism and in-depth market expertise. The consultants at SALASUNGO eventually presented me with an excellent opportunity in the field of Forensic Accounting with a renowned international organization. In my new role, I am responsible for investigating complex financial processes and uncovering potential irregularities. This includes analyzing large data sets, identifying patterns that may indicate fraud or misconduct, and preparing detailed reports for management and external auditors. Additionally, I contribute to the development of preventive measures aimed at minimizing future risks. Thanks to the support from SALASUNGO, I was able to confidently take on this challenging role, and I now look forward to exciting tasks in a dynamic and international environment.

    Forensic Accountant

    International Audit & Consulting Firm

  • ​When I decided to take the next step in my career, I was aware that moving into an international environment would bring significant changes. Up until then, I had primarily worked in the German mid-sized business sector and felt a certain level of respect for the higher demands of an international audit firm. It was precisely at this point that the team at SALASUNGO encouraged me to take the leap and step out of my comfort zone. Right from the beginning, I felt in excellent hands with SALASUNGO – competently advised, consistently supported, and, most importantly, taken seriously. The team at SALASUNGO provided me with access to a top-tier position and gave me the confidence to take this significant step in my career. Thanks to their dedication and professional guidance, I was able to secure my dream job. In my new role as a Senior Auditor, I am responsible for auditing complex financial statements in accordance with international and national accounting standards such as IFRS, HGB, and US-GAAP, as well as assessing internal control systems and identifying risks. What I found particularly valuable was how SALASUNGO prepared me thoroughly for the interview. This preparation didn’t just cover general interview questions but also focused on the specific technical topics relevant to an international audit firm – such as accounting standards, risk management, and internal controls. This targeted preparation gave me the confidence I needed to present myself convincingly during the interview. It was evident that the team at SALASUNGO has a deep understanding of market and industry requirements and uses this expertise to provide candidates with optimal support. I am truly grateful for the personal and professional support throughout the entire process!

    Senior Auditor

    International Audit Firm

  • ​Paul von Salasungo hat mir dabei geholfen die passende Position, als Auditor bei einer Big Four Audit Company zu finden, als ich selbst noch in Berlin gelebt habe. Er war der einzige Personalberater, der sich die Zeit genommen hat mich vor meinem Interview in München persönlich zu treffen.

    Junior Auditor


  • ​Das Team von Salasungo hat mich unterstützt eine unbefristete Stelle bei einem renommierten IT-Dienstleister zu finden. Der Service war ausgezeichnet. Das Team hat sich stets die Zeit genommen, um all meine Fragen zu beantworten und hat mich während des gesamten Prozesses unterstützt. Ich kann Salasungo jedem Bewerber sowie jedem Unternehmen als Partner empfehlen.

    IT Security Engineer

    IT Security Integrator

  • ​Paul is one of the best recruiters I have ever come across. He is a very reliable and professional consultant. Throughout the whole recruitment process, Paul was very professional in all of his communications.

    PHP Developer


  • ​Vor kurzem habe ich mich beruflich umorientiert und Herr Emmler war zu dem Zeitpunkt mein Ansprechpartner bei Salasungo. Herr Emmler hat mich stets über die Bewerbungsprozesse auf dem Laufenden gehalten und mich vor jedem Interview ausführlich gecoached. Am Ende habe ich meine gewünschte Anstellung finden können und würde Herrn Emmler jedem Kandidaten weiterempfehlen.

    System Engineer

    IT Integrator

  • ​Paul ist ein professioneller Recruiter, mit dem ich gerne zusammengearbeitet habe. Er hat genau die Stelle für mich finden können, die ich trotz Suche, auf den Job-Boards nicht finden konnte.​​​

    JAVA Developer

    IT Integrator